Our Party Running Days


Party Running days are held on the 1st Sunday of each month, except January. We offer two party times on each of these days: 11am - 1 pm & 2pm - 4pm

The total cost is $500 and that includes 2 trains and carriages for you to ride behind. Please check below for more details.
To secure your party, a booking fee of $500 is payable within 14 days of the time of booking and is non refundable unless the Society cancels the run in which case your booking fee will be returned to you. IF YOU CANCEL with three (3) months or more notice, a full refund will be given. If you cancel with one (1) to three (3) months notice, a 50% refund will be given. With less than one (1) month’s notice, no refund will be given.

Trains will commence running at 12 noon and stop at 1 pm, start again at 3pm and run until 4pm
Please use the form below to submit your request for a booking. An email will be sent confirming availability. If you are looking to book a private party you can place your booking fee once your date has been confirmed. Thank you.
Payment may be made by EFT or cheque if you pay be cheque please advise when booking. If paying be EFT please ensure your name is on the booking advice.

Please note the following

We do not provide power or cover for parties.

For morning parties, 11am to 1pm, your group may enter the grounds on the Sunday morning from 10:30am to set up and your trains will run from 12noon until 1pm. You may bring your own marquee for cover. It must be taken down by 1:15pm. 

For afternoon parties, 2pm to 4pm, you may enter the grounds to set up at 1:30pm your trains will run from 3pm until 4pm. You may bring your own marquee for cover. It must be taken down by  4:15pm

If the weather is extremely bad trains may be cancelled on the day of the run. If this occurs, we will endeavour to let you know as soon as we can but due to the variability of Melbourne weather, we may not be able to give much notice. (Please contact the Party Organiser after 9am, on the day of your party, for cancellation news if the weather is inclement).

In the event of cancellation, you may still use the facility for your party but we cannot provide any trains due to safety considerations. In this case your booking fee will be refunded.

SLSV Location Party Park 01
SLSV Location Safety Board


Party Booking Form


Payment of the booking fee means that you understand and accept the following:

(The booking fee must be received within 14 days of the time of booking the event.)

Riding our miniature trains could possibly involve the risk of personal injury and/or property damage due to operational, track conditions, other rider’s behaviour, pedestrians, equipment failure, obstacles, weather and other unforeseen factors.

It is your sole responsibility to gauge the level of risk involved in each ride and decide whether it is appropriate for you.

You engage in this ride entirely at your own risk and, by going on this ride, you acknowledge and accept this assumption of risk.

All instructions given by SLSV personnel must be adhered to.

Enclosed shoes must be worn by all persons riding on the trains. (If toes can be seen the person cannot ride.)

It is strongly recommended that babies should not be carried on trains.

Alcohol may not be consumed on the property.

Photographs and Selfies must not to be taken while riding on the Trains.

Children to be adult supervised at all times.

Companion animals or mobility aid animals are the only pets allowed on site.

Arrival and departure times to and from the venue must be strictly adhered to.

All rubbish must be removed from the site.

The Steam Locomotive Society of Victoria Inc. undertakes a regular risk assessment of its operations for the conduct of its operations.

The Steam Locomotive Society of Victoria Inc. is not responsible for persons who fail to comply with written or verbal instructions.

Should persons fail to comply with a written or verbal instruction they will be asked to leave the premises.

The Steam Locomotive Society of Victoria Inc. A0015689D
